Mandi Johnson

Meet Tucker at Haydays


Join Tucker this weekend at the 44th annual Haydays grass drags, swap meet and vendor extravaganza. It’s the world’s largest snowmobile event and will mark the “official start of winter.” Tucker along with his Team Arctic teammates will be signing autographs under the Arctic Cat tent Saturday afternoon. Haydays is moving to a new location this year so make sure to bring along your detailed exhibit map from the September issue of Minnesota Snowmobiling courtesy of Arctic Cat.

What: Team Arctic Autographs

When: Saturday, September 11 | 1-3 p.m.

Where: Arctic Cat display at Haydays

38400 Oriole Ave – North Branch, MN 55056

For more details on Haydays, visit

Hay Days September 11-12, 2010

Mandi JohnsonMeet Tucker at Haydays
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On Snow Magazine Subscription Facebook Give-A-Way


In honor of Tucker gearing up for his 11th pro snocross season and his new column in On Snow Magazine, OSM is giving away 11 free subscriptions!  Take the steps below to have a year’s worth of OSM delivered to your doorstep!

1. “Like” the Tucker Hibbert Official Facebook Page

2. “Like” the On Snow Magazine Facebook Page

3. Answer the question on Tucker’s Facebook Page: “Tell us about your snowmobile. If you don’t own a snowmobile, what’s your dream ride?”

4. Contest Ends: Friday, August 20 at 5:00 p.m. CT – 11 people will randomly be chosen to win a one-year subscription of OSM!

Mandi JohnsonOn Snow Magazine Subscription Facebook Give-A-Way
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Summer X Games 16


I just got back from my first-ever trip to ESPN Summer X Games. I’ve been at Winter X eleven years but my typical hectic summer racing schedule always got in the way of flying to LA for Summer X. I knew early this summer that I would be at Summer X but thought I was going to be competing not spectating. After my knee injury, I figured I better still go and check out the event.

Downtown LA is a totally different vibe than Aspen. I wasn’t too excited about being at the event since I wasn’t competeing and to be honest,  I’m not a big fan of California – I learned that after living there for a year. I knew it would still be a good idea to go so I could see Super X in person to be better prepared for next summer. ESPN lined me up with a couple interviews and asked me to be the medal presenter for Thursday’s events. Thursday night, I handed out the medals for Super X Men, Super X Women, Super X Adaptive, Moto X Freestyle and Skateboard Big Air. The highlight of the night was presenting fellow snocrosser Mike Schultz with the gold medal for Super X Adaptive. He’s such an inspiration and I’m so pumped about what he’s accomplished since his accident. Check out his story HERE.

At Winter X, all of the athletes compete at one venue so it makes it really easy to watch the other events, do interviews, etc. Summer X is spread out a little more but ESPN does a killer job organizing the venues to make it fan friendly. My favorite event to watch in person was Best Whip. Television doesn’t do this competion justice. It’s insane how those guys can throw their bike completely backwards and bring it back around. The BMX park competitions were up on my list too. It takes serious skill to handle a bicycle the way those guys do.

It was cool to see friends from the moto industry, since I haven’t been to a race since Steel City last year, and to run into a couple Winter X athletes. Monster Energy hooked us up with suite tickets for the events and passes for the party at the Fantasy Factory Friday night. That place is like a giant playground for big kids! I had my eye on the tennis ball gun but couldn’t figure out how to sneak up to the second level to shoot it.

Summer X is on my calendar for 2011 and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be invited to compete not spectate!

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Tucker Interview at SX16

Summer X 16 MedalsJPGSX16 Medal StageFreestyle BronzeSuper X Gold

Mandi JohnsonSummer X Games 16
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Tucker to Write Column for On Snow Magazine


One of the most successful and popular snowmobile racers/athletes in the sport today, Tucker Hibbert, has agreed to contribute to the On Snow Magazine (OSM) guest editorial team for coming season. Tucker will pen five guest editorials, each appearing in the fast growing On Snow Magazine in both the United States and Canada. Tucker will give readers a behind the scenes look into the personal life of T-Train, his wife Mandi as well as family members and crew who make up Team 68. Click HERE to read the full release.

Mandi JohnsonTucker to Write Column for On Snow Magazine
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T-Train at Monster Energy’s Headquarters


After a week of being stuck on the couch recovering from his surgery, Tucker escaped to Corona to hang out with the crew at Monster Energy. The last time he visited Monster’s headquarters they were at a different location so it was his first time visiting “the Beast’s” current lair. It was like taking a trip down memory lane checking out all of the T-Train memorabilia. He found a couple helmets, retro gear and a even a poster from 2003. He plans on returning the end of the month during Summer X Games to see what kind of trouble he can get into without his crutches.

Stay posted to Monster Energy’s Facebook Page for a video of Tucker hanging out at the office.

Tucker at Monster with 2003 snocross poster
Tucker with classic gear at Monster

Mandi JohnsonT-Train at Monster Energy’s Headquarters
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Injury Update


After seeing no improvement in his knee since his Memorial weekend crash, the decision was made by Dr. Paul Reiman and ATC Eddie Casillas for Tucker to have arthroscopic knee surgery. On Wednesday, Dr. Reiman successfully fixed the damage in Tucker’s right knee and said he is on schedule to resume his regular riding and training late August.

Mandi JohnsonInjury Update
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Hibbert Forced to Sit Out ESPN Summer X Games and AMA Pro Motocross Championship


Unfortunately, Tucker Hibbert will spend his summer tending to a knee injury rather than competing at the Summer X Games and select rounds of the Lucas Oil AMA Pro Motocross Championship. On May 29, while practicing at Spring Creek Motocross Park, Hibbert hyper extended his right knee and flared up an injury from 2005. After a week of no improvement and evaluation by his doctor, the decision was made to cancel his summer racing schedule and shift his focus to being 100% healthy for this winter.

Tucker Hibbert: “I can’t put into words how disappointed I am. This is the first year in my career that I won’t be racing motorcycles. It’s a huge disappointment but I had to make the decision to put my health first. I’m focused on taking this time to address this issue and expect to be at the top of my game by October 1. I know I need to be 100% healthy to pull off the racing schedule I’m working on for this winter and next summer. I want to thank ESPN for the invite to compete at the Summer X Games. I wish all of the athletes the best of luck and am determined that I’ll be competing with them in 2011. Also, a huge thanks to my sponsors and fans who’ve stood behind me throughout my racing career.”

Mandi JohnsonHibbert Forced to Sit Out ESPN Summer X Games and AMA Pro Motocross Championship
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New Website Photos


Over 60 images were just added to Tucker’s website. Woah! Crack open a can of Monster, sit back and enjoy the slideshow. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look into Tucker’s 09/10 snocross season. John Hason’s photos are so good, you almost feel like you’re there! While you’re checking out the site, make sure to download one of the new wallpapers for your computer.

Happy Viewing!

Mandi JohnsonNew Website Photos
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Minnesota Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is excited to announce the 2010 MN FCA MX Camp! Tucker is unsure at this time if he’ll be an instructor at this year’s camp. Either way, it’s an incredible opportunity to become a stronger, faster rider while deepening your relationship with the Lord. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is as a rider or where you’re at in your faith, all are welcome to join world class motocross instructors and FCA leaders for this week long adventure!

What: MN FCA MX Camp

When: July 19-23, 2010

Where: Pine River/Crosby, MN

Sign Me Up!:


Mandi JohnsonMN FCA MX Camp
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